
这是追求医疗事业的一个激动人心的时刻. Technological advances 和 groundbreaking research give healthcare professionals more ways to treat their patients effectively 和 compassionately. 如果你已经设想了你在这个领域的未来, esball国际平台客户端的教育可以帮助你实现这个目标. You will gain the rigorous academic background needed to apply to advanced degrees in healthcare or fast-track admission to some of our most competitive 项目.


Our goal is to help you achieve your dreams in the healthcare career of your choice. You will be assigned a pre-health student advisor before you arrive on campus who will help you navigate the prerequisites for advanced degrees. They will also help you find the resources you need to boost your résumé, 比如研究机会和高质量的实习机会.

You will find this same kind of personalized attention in our small class sizes. Our world-class faculty offer mentorship 和 guidance in their specializations. 拥有最先进的设施, 比如esball国际平台客户端的尸体实验室, you will gain h和s-on experience that is usually reserved for graduate students in other institutions.

Our robust list of majors 和 小s will give you a strong foundation 和 let you explore different options in healthcare. 我们提供 直接入读招生 to our 项目 in 物理治疗, 职业治疗 和 医师助理 studies. We also have partnerships with graduate 项目 in other institutions that can accelerate your career. Over 90 percent of Clarkson pre-health students in a given senior year end up working in clinical health. 无论你的道路是什么,你都将为未来做好准备.



以及直接进入我们的 物理治疗博士, 职业治疗理学硕士医师助理研究硕士 项目.

Student advising plays an essential role in our pre-health sciences tracks. 作为一名学生, you will be assigned an advisor who will work with you to design a personalized course of study to reach your goals. You will also have a team across the University to help you develop meaningful credentials, study for placement exams 和 successfully apply to the 项目 of your choosing. Every student has a personalized experience to reach their individual goals. 了解更多esball国际平台客户端esball国际平台客户端咨询.

如果你感兴趣的话 物理治疗, 医师助理 和/或 职业治疗 职业生涯, you can pursue these 项目 as undergraduate tracks 和 gain the opportunity for Direct Entry graduate admissions. 了解更多esball国际平台客户端我们的直接进入医疗保健计划.

Students interested in medicine, dentistry or pharmacy can apply for a reserved seat at the 伊利湖骨科医学院 (LECOM)在esball国际平台客户端的第二年结束之前. The provisional acceptance requires a successful interview 和 can occur as early as your senior year of high school. 了解更多esball国际平台客户端早期录取计划的信息.

在毕业前获得医疗领域的服务经验. 健康 Coaches is a yearlong program sponsored 和 coordinated by Canton-Potsdam Hospital. The program has two semesters of coursework featuring weekly discussions with healthcare professionals on topics such as population health, 慢性疾病, 卫生保健制度和农村医疗. 在第二学期, you will work as a volunteer with community members who have chronic conditions. 了解更多esball国际平台客户端健康教练计划的信息.

Internships 和 co-ops offer you the opportunity to build your résumé with pre-professional experience. 感谢我们广泛的校友网络, Clarkson students have completed high-quality internships 和 made meaningful connections for their future. 我们一年两次的招聘会,由我们获奖的 职业中心, gives students the chance to meet with representatives from nearly 200 companies. Whatever your goals may be, you will find a way to gain valuable experience during your studies.

Our faculty frequently invite students to collaborate on research in areas like biosensors, 干细胞和再生医学, 神经生理学, 康复工程, 纳米技术及更多. 

Students have access to several facilities that allow them to gain relevant, 医疗保健主题的实践经验. An integral part of our undergraduate anatomy 和 physiology course is our 尸体实验室, where you have the chance to work with an actual cadaver as an undergraduate. 探索我们的 模拟空间创新中心.

Students enrolled in Anatomy 和 Physiology have the opportunity to study real anatomy in the human cadaver lab. While human cadaver labs are common in many graduate clinical health 项目, it remains rare for undergraduate students to be exposed to this level of instruction. 因此, Clarkson pre-health students that participate in this experience benefit from greater preparedness for success in their chosen graduate 项目.

通过esball国际平台客户端找到一个问题解决者和创新者的社区 200多个学生团体. 一些与健康有关的俱乐部包括:

  • 动物科学俱乐部(兽医预科)
  • 国家生物荣誉协会
  • 无国界医生组织
  • 少数族裔医学院预科学生协会
  • 物理治疗俱乐部
  • 医师助理预备会

Pre-健康 Students Use esball国际平台客户端 Experience as Volunteers in Denver

Twelve esball国际平台客户端 pre-health science students recently completed a week of medical 和 volunteer work in Denver. 学生们, esball国际平台客户端无国界医生俱乐部的所有成员, donated their time at the Capitol Building 和 a homeless shelter put together in the Denver Coliseum during COVID-19.


基于专业, 小, 建议跟踪和目标, you may decide to grow your knowledge 和 skills in an allopathic or osteopathic medical program, 牙科学校, 兽医学校, 医师助理计划, pharmacy school or allied health professional program to pursue a career as a:

  • 脊椎指压治疗者
  • 牙医
  • 医生
  • 医疗技术人员
  • 护士
  • 护士
  • 职业治疗师
  • 验光师
  • 护理人员
  • 药剂师
  • 物理治疗师
  • 医师助理
  • 公共卫生专业人员
  • 兽医


Clarkson pre-health sciences track students have gone on to the following prestigious graduate 项目, 其中:

  • 爱因斯坦医学院
  • 康奈尔大学兽医学院
  • 达特茅斯盖泽尔医学院
  • 约翰霍普金斯大学医学院
  • 梅奥诊所医学院
  • 纽约州立大学北部医科大学
  • 坦普尔大学科恩伯格牙科学院
  • 佛蒙特大学拉纳医学院


如果你是健康科学预科的一年级学生, you should consider living in the Pre-健康 Professionals Living-Learning社区. 位于“四方广场”," this community encourages social 和 academic connections with other students who share similar goals.



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电话: 315-268-2288



站在创新和富有同情心的病人护理的最前沿. 如果你认为自己作为一名医疗保健专业人员有所作为, esball国际平台客户端可以帮助你迈出下一步.