Construction Engineering Management (CEM) Programs

Construction Engineering Management (CEM) Programs

Graduate Construction Engineering Management Programs

Whether you are looking to start with an advanced certificate, 或者准备攻读硕士学位, esball国际平台客户端提供灵活的课程, online and hybrid programs to fit the needs of working professionals. 

Student working with Professor Backus on a construction project




Advanced Certificate in Construction Engineering Management

esball国际平台客户端的全在线建筑工程管理高级证书课程侧重于实际应用, current industry techniques and emerging trends and technology for working professionals.

施工管理亮点 & 机会


esball国际平台客户端机电咨询集团(C3G) is an in-house esball国际平台客户端 capability that provides pre-professional consulting in planning, 工程, 建筑区域.  该企业利用学生的体验式学习模式,以交付产品,否则目标细分市场将无法通过专业咨询服务进行这些努力. 

Construction Management Teams Compete Regionally and Nationally

esball国际平台客户端的建筑管理SPEED团队每年秋天在建筑联合学校(ASC)进行比赛。 第一赛区比赛. Winning teams then travel to Reno, NV in February to compete nationally in the ASC 第6/7区比赛. 2023年标志着esball国际平台客户端建筑工程管理公司连续第8年在地区一级拥有一个团队.

Scholarships and Recognition in National and Regional Professional Societies Competitions

每年CEM的教员都会做广告, 鼓励和支持学生在土木与环境工程系(CEE)申请美国国家联合总承包商(AGC)和AGC纽约竞赛. 特别重要的是,esball国际平台客户端学生获得了2022年AGC NYS颁发的22个奖学金中的7个, 大约三分之一, 从所有的土木工程, 施工技术, and /or Construction Management student applicants across 纽约 State. esball国际平台客户端的学生经常被选中参加每年夏天举行的美国土木工程师协会-建筑学院(ASCE-CI)“学生日”比赛.

Read more about the 2023-2024 Clarkson Scholarship Awardees

National Women in Construction Leadership Summit

Each year, Clarkson Construction Engineering Management (CEM) program Corporate Sponsor Kiewit offers women in construction programs across the nation the opportunity to travel, 包含一切费用的支付, 到奥马哈, 内布拉斯加州,花几天时间学习建筑业的领导能力,并与建筑业的女性导师建立联系.  Kiewit的高选择性课程, 基辅未来女性峰会(FWIK), 对于年轻的新兴女性建筑专业人士来说,了解建筑职业带来的好处的最佳途径是什么.


的 Construction Engineering Management (CEM) Program seeks to engage our students with real-life, 亲自动手的, 深刻的经验和学习.  作为这些努力的一部分, the CEM program invites leaders from across the industry to be the “Pro of the Knight.“通常一学期有四门课程, these professionals talk candidly with students about their history, 知识 and experiences in the construction industry. 的y provide invaluable tips and advice for entering the field, 并在晚上回答很多问题.


的 Clarkson CEM program at the undergraduate and graduate level is among the best in the nation. Our students are sought after by many top firms because of the training, 知识, and professional development they receive while earning their degree at Clarkson.  每学期, 各级学生都有机会参观建筑和基础设施项目,将课堂带入环境和现实世界的应用.

PC Construction’s BETA Technologies S40 Aircraft Assembly Facility Project

Read esball国际平台客户端 the Student Tour of the Canton-Potsdam Hospital Construction Project

esball国际平台客户端 Students Participate in 的 Moles Annual Students Day at MassDOT Project


Significant Gifts and Contributors to Clarkson CEM

霍华德E. Lechler was a well-known long-time Clayton and Gouverneur, 出生在芝加哥的纽约居民, 二战期间在美国军队服役, 1948年5月毕业于esball国际平台客户端,获得土木工程学士学位. Howard began his career as a Professor of 民事 Engineering at Clarkson in 1948. 约翰·劳斯面试了几位候选人,看到了霍华德的管理潜力,他开创了一家非常成功的公司,现在规模非常大, 多处, steel fabrication enterprise known today as Cives钢铁公司 with headquarters in Alpharetta, 乔治亚州. cif钢, 他一生的工作, 是美国最大的钢铁制造商之一,在美国各地有六个制造工厂.

霍华德于1953年获得esball国际平台客户端的科学工程硕士学位,并于1978年获得esball国际平台客户端的荣誉学位. In 2016, esball国际平台客户端很荣幸收到一份礼物,永久授予建筑工程管理(CEM)项目的主任职位. 的 CEM Program at Clarkson honors Howards’s legacy as a highly successful businessman, 热心的水手, 猎人和渔夫, 作为Lechler/cif钢家族的CEM顾问委员会成员,以及致力于在区域和全国范围内提供最好的建筑教育.

罗纳德·P. 威尔斯1968年获得esball国际平台客户端技术学院土木工程学士学位,并领导了非凡的建筑生涯, which began in 1968 with Peter Kiewit Sons’ Company. 在接下来的二十年里, 他从事管理工作, 从工程师到副总裁, 建设高速公路, 桥梁, 工业工作, 以及大型民用相关建设项目. In 1990, 他成为Dillingham北美业务的运营副总裁,同时担任Dillingham的总裁, 加拿大. After 30 years, Ron took on a new role as President and CEO of Stacy & Witbeck公司. 在罗恩的领导下, 该公司从一家地区性建筑公司发展成为全国轻轨行业的领导者, 通勤铁路, 有轨电车, and other heavy 民事 transportation construction projects.

Ron was a proud leader of several construction industry associations, 包括海狸乐队, 和鼹鼠们. He was also a member of the Good Knights Guild, esball国际平台客户端's donor recognition program. 他既是一位忠诚的捐款人,也是一位有领导才能的捐款人. 通过他的慷慨, 完成了几项关键工作,包括聘请了第一位建筑工程管理(CEM)总监, 课程扩展, 重新强调实习和安置, 成立CEM顾问委员会, and recognition of the esball国际平台客户端CEM项目 throughout the construction industry. 为了纪念罗恩, 感谢他对esball国际平台客户端建筑工程管理项目的领导和慷慨支持, in 2024 Clarkson named the CEM 导演’s office in his honor. 

桑迪·金斯伯格54年, 布鲁克林高中07级, 纽约, graduated from esball国际平台客户端 in 1954 and was awarded an honorary doctorate in 2007. Sandy曾在海军陆战队预备役服役,并在建筑管理行业担任土木工程师和建筑执行官. He was a life member of American Society of 民事 Engineers, and a former president of Clarkson 校友 Association. His storied career spanned rebuilding and preserving some of America's most notable landmarks, including the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. In 1995, 他获得了埃利斯岛荣誉勋章, recognizing his contributions to 的 American-Scandinavian Foundation, 的 American Scandinavian Society and Sons of Norway. In 2018, esball国际平台客户端建立了一个独特的基金,为学生提供永久的资源和所有费用的实地考察, often in partnership with CEM advisory board members and corporate partners.


esball国际平台客户端CEM项目在本科和esball国际app阶段是全国最好的项目之一,我们的毕业生在建筑行业的就业率每年都达到100%.  我们与合作伙伴和赞助商的良好关系为我们的学生提供了许多机会,并确保我们的学生毕业时具备进入劳动力市场所需的技能.  Our students are sought after by many top firms because of the training, 知识, and professional development they are known to receive while earning their degree at Clarkson.

澳电董事会成员:  特纳建筑公司霍华德·E. 勒克勒家族(由 Cives钢铁公司)

赞助商: 巴雷特铺路材料, DDS公司, ECS, Kiewit, Ruston铺平道路

杰姆的合作伙伴:  哈里森 & Burrowes桥梁建造公司, Kokosing, 派克公司, 石板山建筑公司, 泰奥加高中的入学率建设

Contact the Construction Engineering Management Program, (315) 268-4017

埃里克·C. 巴克斯,Ph值.D., P.E., leed ap + c, env sp, FMP
实践教授 & 霍华德E. 勒克勒48届,53届硕士,78届硕士
