Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Pursue your own unique path. 也许是面向管理、营销、信息系统或人力资源. 或者,你想象自己作为一个企业家,每一步都在推动增长. 四面八方, esball国际平台客户端的工商管理学士学位(BSBA)接受你的好奇心, 为有影响力的职业生涯铺平道路,为你的长期成功奠定基础.

Why Major in Business Administration?

Every field requires coordinators, decision-makers, motivators and analyzers. 在esball国际平台客户端的BSBA项目中,你可以看到你的未来是什么样的. 我们的协作社区的实干家设计前瞻性的解决方案,以解决现有的问题. We not only invite your perspective and welcome your curiosity, 但我们也为你提供的技能和经验,走出去,重新思考传统的商业惯例.

大卫•维. Reh School of Business designed the BSBA as a flexible, customizable program. A core sequence introduces you to business fundamentals. From there, you select from our undergraduate business offerings, which include courses in areas such as 金融 and accounting, global supply chain management, 业务分析, marketing and entrepreneurship. Explore something that interests you, 发展一门或多门专业,毕业后成为一名掌握广泛技能的专业人士,给雇主留下深刻印象.

沿着这条路, 所有BSBA专业的学生在课堂上和通过esball国际平台客户端的体验机会获得创业心态. 进入职场,准备好有所作为,或者让自己的想法落地.

在任何一个方向, program’s structure equips you to analyze data, communicate your results, identify problems and formulate solutions, think critically and make informed decisions. 同时, 您将了解现有专业人员用于跟踪趋势的工具,并了解更多有关业务的信息, innovation and sustainable development overlap.


All business majors learn to:

  • 使用行业公认的业务系统,如SAP和其他分析工具,如Microsoft Excel和R.
  • 将数据分析的结果以不同的形式传达给组织决策者和其他利益相关者, 包括报告, 表格和图表, as well as through real-time visualization tools and dashboards.
  • Think critically and use data and information to identify problems, propose solutions and make informed decisions.
  • Start and run their own businesses, including making sound financial decisions and managing resources.
  • Develop effective marketing strategies to promote products and services.
  • Adapt to different environments, industries and situations.
  • 与各学科的商业从业者密切合作,在实习和合作机会中向组织决策者提供必要的数据和分析.
  • Make ethical decisions and apply these principles to business situations.

的 BSBA consists of 120 credit hours, including the following: 

  • 33 credit hours of Clarkson Common Experience requirements, including the Clarkson Seminar, two mathematics courses, two science courses (one of which must include a lab), five knowledge area courses and a technology course.
  • 42 credit hours of foundation coursework in business.
  • 45个选修学分,包括18个商业/专业选修学分和27个自由选修学分.

为选修课, business administration majors select from courses in accounting, 金融, 信息系统, 运营管理, 市场营销分析, organizational studies and entrepreneurship.

Roll your sleeves up to see what it takes to run a business. 所有一年级商科学生都可以在《esball国际平台客户端》中有所收获.

在本课程中, 学生团队成立真正的公司,然后向投资者推销他们的商业计划以获得资金. Understand how to develop a product or service, 使用资源, identify areas for growth and manage 金融s. 从这里, 许多esball国际平台客户端学生带着他们的抱负参加Reh杯和其他校园创业机会,或者在地区和国家创业竞赛中展示他们的想法以获得资助.

You’ve got aspirations — and we support you all the way to graduation. For Reh School of Business undergraduates, aacsb认可的建议确保你沿着这一目标前进,并熟悉校园内外的所有申请机会.

Advising for BSBA students uses a two-part structure:

What do you see yourself doing? Do more than picture it — immerse yourself in the business world, 熟悉潜在的职位,开始规划你的未来,通过实习或合作任务. 100%的学生在毕业前至少完成一次实习或带薪实习. 

了解更多 esball国际平台客户端 Internships & 合作社

esball国际平台客户端, 我们思考如何才能把业务做得更好——无论是通过更可持续的运营还是简化的供应链. Reh商学院从一年级开始就为本科生提供研究机会, with many students working directly with faculty on research publications. 

Explore 研究 Areas & 最近的发现

通过专业兴趣建立联系,并开始建立一个志同道合的网络, 同等动力的同伴. Or, 转向不同的方向——包括户外到附近的阿迪朗达克山脉——开阔你的视野. 在所有情况下, 尝试新事物, 在esball国际平台客户端的200多个学生团体中,探索你的激情,并与其他具有创新意识的个人合作. 

See Where You Might Fit


In response to this trend, Reh商学院要求所有本科生至少完成一项国际经验. Study abroad for a semester at one of Clarkson's partner institutions, 报名参加一门课程,最终和你的教授一起进行为期两周的全球商业计划旅行,或者去加拿大进行为期四个周末的旅行. 


作为一名工商管理专业的学生,制定一套针对你和你的目标的课程. Within the program’s flexible structure, consider adding a minor to either specialize or build on your skills. 




商务专业人士为组织和政府机构创造结构和方向. 反映出需求, 美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)预测,到2032年,商业和管理行业的就业增长率将高于平均水平.

Harness this trend to establish yourself. 工商管理学士学位为学生在行业和政府中的以下角色做好准备:

  • 业务分析师
  • Contract administrator
  • 部门经理
  • 企业家
  • 金融分析师
  • Information systems manager
  • 管理顾问
  • 销售协调员
  • 业务经理
  • 生产计划
  • 销售经理
  • 供应链经理
  • 培训主管

雇主 and Graduate Schools

Reflecting where you can innovate the future, Reh School of Business undergraduates have started their careers with:

  • 埃森哲咨询公司
  • 亚马逊
  • Anheuser-Busch Companies
  • 苹果
  • 纽约梅隆银行
  • 玻色
  • 英国石油公司
  • 史诗
  • 康宁
  • 埃克森美孚
  • 德勤
  • 富达投资集团
  • GE
  • 通用动力公司
  • 高盛(Goldman Sachs)
  • IBM
  • 约翰逊 & 约翰逊
  • 美国西北相互
  • Veritas '

Many of our graduates also choose to pursue advanced degree programs. 许多人通过库尔特工程学院或Reh商学院的课程攻读esball国际app学位, including the accelerated MBA, or Clarkson's other graduate programs. Other graduate schools where our students have recently enrolled include:

  • 波士顿学院
  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • 杜克大学
  • IESEG School of 管理
  • 纽约大学
  • University of Michigan


把你的手弄脏, 在创新中心体验并了解更多esball国际平台客户端成为企业家的意义, home to the Shipley Center for Innovation, 数字内容创建套件和其他设施,帮助您发展自己的业务. 

Explore the 创新中心


Reh School of Business
电话: 315-268-6613

有兴趣进一步了解工商管理理学士学位? Contact the Reh School of Business today with your questions.

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Ignite Your Future Here

Design a path that’s yours in Clarkson’s flexible, technology-driven Bachelor’s in Business Administration program. Take the next step toward your future.