Using your Academic Accommodations

Submitting Your Accommodations

Once you have been granted academic accommodations, you will be able to submit your accommodations to your professor. This will need to be done at the beginning of each semester. After your accommodations have been acknowledged by the professor, you will be able to schedule your exams for that course. Please follow the instructions below to submit your accommodations to your professors:

  1. Use a web browser with pop-ups enabled.
  2. Login to myCU, click myCU Homepage on the left toolbar of your Student Dashboard.
  3. Select Tutoring & Accommodations then Class Accommodations.
  4. Complete and submit the OAS contract and ethics agreement.
  5. Click Select Accommodations for a course and toggle to Yes all accommodations you would like to use for the course. Submit the selection. Repeat this step for each course.
  • If you have an extended time accommodation and you have back-to-back classes (i.e. your extended time accommodation would require you to miss your next class), you must work with your instructor to identify a mutually agreeable time to take your exam. The exam must align with the testing center hours if it will be proctored by OAS. Please see Exam Conflicts below for more information.
  • If you have a flexible attendance accommodation, you must also download and complete the Flexible Attendance Agreement form with your instructor(s).
  • If you have a flexible deadline accommodation, you must also download and complete the Flexible Deadline Agreement form with your instructor(s).
  • If you have an individual accommodation or an accommodation that you feel would be beneficial to talk with your instructor(s) about, reach out to your instructor(s) as soon as possible.
  • Submit your request for alternate format textbooks here.
  • Email to request to use your note taker accommodation.

If you do not have any academic accommodations set up or have further questions, please reach out to OAS at

Current students who have submitted their accommodations to professors for the current semester may submit exam requests using myCU. 

FAQs: Exam Conflicts, Friday Exams, Evening Exams, and Final Exams

If you have questions about how to submit an exam request normally, please view the OAS Exam Signup Tutorial linked above. You will find answers to Frequently Asked Questions below.

  1. I have a class directly after one of my other classes. I can’t finish my exams for the earlier class with my extended time and make it to my next class on time. What should I do?
  2. I know that OAS closes its testing service at 4:00 pm on Fridays. What should I do if I have a Friday exam that will go later than 4:00 pm?
  3. I have an exam at 8:00 pm. However, myCU will not let me enter start times after 7 pm. What should I do?
  4. Should I enter my final exam schedule into the OAS exam signup when SAS posts it?
  5. I forgot about an exam and was not able to enter it into myCU before the required 7 days. Can I still take my exam with my accommodations?

1. I have a class directly after one of my other classes. I can’t finish my exams for the earlier class with my extended time and make it to my next class on time. What should I do?

When you submit your accommodations to your professors, myCU will automatically notify you if you have any potential conflicts between classes. You will need to discuss with your professor the best course of action.

There are a few possible solutions you can discuss. Can you start the exam a little earlier? Do you need to take the exam at an entirely different time? It’s best to try to keep your start time as close to the original start time as possible. OAS can help you identify options before you meet with your professor.

Please reach out to your professor within the first few weeks of classes so that you have a plan in place before your first exam. This plan should be the same for the entire semester. You should remind your professor of the different agreed-upon start time before each exam as they may forget. When you submit your exam request through myCU, be sure to schedule your exam for the agreed-upon time, not the originally scheduled time.

2. I know that OAS closes its testing service at 4:00 pm on Fridays. What should I do if I have a Friday exam that will go later than 4:00 pm?

Friday exams can also work like exam conflicts. If you have an exam that could go beyond 4:00 pm on a Friday, you’ll need to treat that like an exam conflict. 

The latest our office will start an exam on a Friday is 2:00 pm. Please discuss this with your professor. If you need to take the exam on a different date, that should be discussed as early as possible.

3. I have an exam at 8:00 pm. However, myCU will not let me enter start times after 7:00 pm. What should I do?

The latest OAS starts exams is 7:00 pm. We are open until 10:00 pm. To make sure you’re done at a reasonable hour and to minimize distractions, we start all evening exams at 7:00 pm. You should enter 7:00 pm into myCU and plan on taking your exam at that time.

4. Should I enter my final exam schedule into the OAS exam signup when SAS posts it?

No. OAS will enter all of your final exams for you. We will also resolve any final exam conflicts and set your locations. You are responsible for notifying us if you will not be using your accommodations for some of your finals or if there is not a final in one of your classes. You are also responsible for requesting accommodations beyond extended time, a distraction-reduced location, and a separate location. 

Once SAS posts your final exam schedule, OAS resolves any conflicts. OAS will only move exams based on conflicting times with another exam. Due to the large number of final exams, we cannot take requests for moving final exams. Please be aware that OAS students can have up to two final exams in one day and they may be back to back. OAS then enters your final exam times into myCU for you. You should click the “Accommodations and Tutoring” tile and then “Accommodations” on myCU to see your final exam schedule. You will follow this schedule, not the one SAS created for you.

OAS later goes back into your exam requests to enter your exam locations. You will receive an email from myCU every time we edit your final exam schedule. Don’t let these emails confuse you. Simply log on to myCU and click your “Accommodations and Tutoring” tile and then “Accommodations” to see the current state of your final exam schedule. Typically the schedule is finalized around two weeks before exams begin.

5. I forgot about an exam and was not able to enter it into myCU before the required 7 days. Can I still take my exam with my accommodations?

The short answer is that it depends. OAS has a late exam policy where we are unable to schedule exams after a certain point. Students are responsible to schedule their own exams through myCU at least 7 days in advance. Any exam requests that come in after this deadline will be reviewed to determine if OAS is able to add this exam request. It is not guaranteed that OAS will be able to honor late requests.

OAS will not consider any late exam requests received after noon on the business day before the exam. This means that, for example, for a Friday 2 pm exam, contact with OAS must be made no later than noon on Thursday for consideration. If the exam is on a Monday, OAS will not consider the request after noon on Friday.

Students are permitted up to 5 late exam requests each semester. After the allotted 5 requests, OAS will no longer consider late requests for that student.

If you have any other questions, please contact the Office of Accessibility Services at

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