Education Program Scholarships

Please note: as Clarkson University focuses on its industry relevant education, innovation and research, we have partnered with Siena College to offer these programs later in 2024. Please visit Siena's website for more information.

Scholarships are awarded on a first come, first serve basis. You are encouraged to apply early. 学生通常在夏季开始MAT,并在一个日历年内完成该课程, three semesters. 学生也可以在秋季或春季学期开始,以便在较长一段时间内分散工作量.

Clarkson MAT Graduate Financial Aid & Scholarships

esball国际平台客户端的教学艺术硕士全年驻留项目为黑人教师候选人提供黑人教育家倡议奖学金(基于资格)。, mentoring, living stipends (between $3,000-$5,000 based on eligibility), affinity groups, emergency funds (to help with certification exams, an interview suit, car repairs…), and tutors. 获得资助的人还可以获得黑人教育促进会成员的称号. Learn more about the Black Educators Initiative

纽约州教育局授予esball国际平台客户端教育系, the Clinically Rich – Intensive Teacher Institute TESOL Grant. This grant provides a $4,500奖学金,每年最多20名候选人,英语到其他语言(ESOL). esball国际平台客户端教育部门可能会向有资格获得额外助学金和奖学金的申请人提供额外资金,作为匹配资金.


奖学金适用于提前申请并被接受的教学硕士课程的申请人. 打算在秋季或夏季学期开始的申请人必须承诺在上一个日历年结束时参加. 打算在春季学期开始的申请人必须承诺在7月1日之前入学. 学生将有资格获得“承诺MAT”教育奖学金. 根据学生的申请组合,该奖项的金额在2500美元到6000美元之间.

教育部奖学金是esball国际平台客户端教育系最负盛名的优异奖. 学生的申请将根据之前的课程和本科作品集的严谨性自动审查奖学金

esball国际平台客户端的教学硕士课程与艾玛·威拉德学院联合提供这项奖学金, an all-girls boarding high school in Troy, NY. The fellowship awards a full-tuition scholarship, as well as a stipend, and room and board at Emma Willard, where the fellows live and teach a reduced course load. Fellows complete the Master of Arts in Teaching over two years, receiving the fellowship each year, and then are provided assistance with their career search.

esball国际平台客户端为有限数量的学生提供基于需求的学费援助. 要获得资格,学生必须完成FAFSA,以及基于需求的奖学金申请.

北京蒙台梭利国际学校(MSB)正在寻找esball国际平台客户端教学艺术硕士(MAT)项目的候选人担任教师. The English-speaking school, which was founded in 1990, 教育来自21个不同国家的400多名学生(从幼儿园到七年级). Teachers do not need to speak Chinese to be considered for the fellowship.

Learn More about the Si Wai Teaching Fellowship

esball国际平台客户端有幸从慷慨的捐赠者那里获得独特的奖学金. 还有奖学金旨在支持在斯克内克塔迪或首都地区长大的学生. Applicants are encouraged to inquire about other current opportunities.

esball国际平台客户端的STEM Up纽约项目为有抱负的STEM(科学)教师提供多达20个奖学金, technology, engineering, 数学)科目,以帮助解决高需求学校这些科目的中学教师短缺的问题. Scholarship recipients receive $20,000 for their undergraduate senior year, $20,为他们完成教学艺术硕士学位所需的一年提供6万英镑的资助,并为他们准备和获得第一个教学职位提供广泛的支持.

Learn more about the STEM Up NY Noyce Scholarship

纽约州教育局授予esball国际平台客户端教育系, the Teacher Opportunity Corps (TOC) grant. This grant provides a $5,为历史上代表性不足的群体的合格候选人提供400美元的奖学金. This award recognizes the quality of Clarkson University’s MAT program, 因为纽约州200多个教师教育项目中只有8个获得了这笔资金.

Learn More about the Teacher Opportunity Corps (TOC) Grant

院长奖学金是esball国际平台客户端教育系最负盛名的奖学金. 学生将根据之前的课程和本科作品集的严谨性自动考虑获得优秀奖学金.

斯克内克塔迪基金会奖学金每年颁发给一名学生. 成功的候选人将从斯克内克塔迪高中或斯克内克塔迪县的高中毕业. 候选人将在斯克内克塔迪高中完成全年的教学实习,并且必须表达在该地区或高需求环境中追求教学职位的意图. The scholarship awardee receives $7,斯克内克塔迪基金会提供500英镑的学费资助esball国际平台客户端也提供相应的资助.

This scholarship was established in memory of Harriet and Roscoe L. Williams, 他们奉献和服务的一生丰富了达奇斯县的学校和社区, Adirondack and Capital District regions of New York. 威廉姆斯家庭为准备在纽约州从事课堂教学和教育管理工作的高素质MATesball国际app提供奖学金援助.

In addition to scholarship, 学生可能有资格获得以前学习的转学分或课程豁免. 课程豁免和学分转换可以降低在esball国际平台客户端获得学位的成本.

The Williams Scholarship, 包霍夫奖学金和艾伦奖学金表彰在课堂上为职业生涯做准备的个人的奉献精神.

Articulation Agreements

来自特定本科院校的学生可能有资格获得奖学金. Students generally need a GPA of 3.2 or higher to qualify. 请致电518-631-9870向教育部查询合作学校的名单和详细信息.

CTA Block